Taking a Chance on Healthy Living!
One of the most important aspects of living a healthy and prosperous life is understanding "risk." Being able to accurately weigh benefits and risks when making health decisions is very important!
Failure to accurately assess risk keeps people locked in all kinds of unhealthy situations including poor eating and exercise habits (lifestyle), relationships and jobs. Accessing "risk" is nothing more than collecting information, weighing the alternatives and then making appropriate decisions based on the information. Some risks to our health are more "real" than others.
Failure to accurately assess risk limits us in many ways. We imagine the "risk" of talking with our children about drugs, dating or sex and we put off having the "talk," even though the risks of NOT talking are infinitely greater. Fear of flying and public speaking are two more "risks" affecting millions of people. People ride in cars every day, even though cars are far more dangerous than commercial aircraft! It's a failure to accurately assess risk, and it limits our health, prosperity and pleasure in life.
The goods news is that failure to accurately access risk is reversible! The effects of those decisions to eat inappropriately or NOT to exercise are, as the common expression goes, "do-overs." We can effect positive change in our lives by following a few simple steps to accurately access risk, Accurately define your present situation and access your health "risks". Are you eating a healthy diet? What are the consequences if you DON'T change? Weigh the benefits of healthier living vs the potential risks such as increased cost, inconvenience or discomfort.
What do you stand to gain if you change your present circumstances? Assess the "up-side" potential. What good things might happen if you take the risk and win?
If the pounds are not coming off or if the weight loss is only temporary, find a new program! Clear, concise, realistic objectives will definitely help.
Reduce your risk by being smart! If the decision you make fails to produce the desired results, be prepared to take a long, hard look at the circumstances and be prepared to change what you are doing.
Everything in life involves some element of risk. Winners in life are willing to accept the risk and continue on their way! I like to remember the words of the great Winston Churchill when he said, "Never, never, never give up!"
Failure to accurately assess risk keeps people locked in all kinds of unhealthy situations including poor eating and exercise habits (lifestyle), relationships and jobs. Accessing "risk" is nothing more than collecting information, weighing the alternatives and then making appropriate decisions based on the information. Some risks to our health are more "real" than others.
Failure to accurately assess risk limits us in many ways. We imagine the "risk" of talking with our children about drugs, dating or sex and we put off having the "talk," even though the risks of NOT talking are infinitely greater. Fear of flying and public speaking are two more "risks" affecting millions of people. People ride in cars every day, even though cars are far more dangerous than commercial aircraft! It's a failure to accurately assess risk, and it limits our health, prosperity and pleasure in life.
The goods news is that failure to accurately access risk is reversible! The effects of those decisions to eat inappropriately or NOT to exercise are, as the common expression goes, "do-overs." We can effect positive change in our lives by following a few simple steps to accurately access risk, Accurately define your present situation and access your health "risks". Are you eating a healthy diet? What are the consequences if you DON'T change? Weigh the benefits of healthier living vs the potential risks such as increased cost, inconvenience or discomfort.

If the pounds are not coming off or if the weight loss is only temporary, find a new program! Clear, concise, realistic objectives will definitely help.
Reduce your risk by being smart! If the decision you make fails to produce the desired results, be prepared to take a long, hard look at the circumstances and be prepared to change what you are doing.
Everything in life involves some element of risk. Winners in life are willing to accept the risk and continue on their way! I like to remember the words of the great Winston Churchill when he said, "Never, never, never give up!"
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