Saturday, 11 August 2012

Low-cost Health Insurance?

Looking for Free or Low-cost Health Insurance?

(ARA) – It’s no secret that accessing health care is a challenge for the 47 million Americans who are uninsured. Lack of health insurance forces many Americans to choose the health care they receive based on what they can afford, not what they actually need. In fact, a recent survey found that 82 percent of uninsured adults do not receive regular medical care and nearly half actually avoid care because they do not have health insurance.
What most people don’t know is that free or low-cost health insurance programs — such as Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP) — are available, and that they may qualify for them. In fact, approximately 11 million Americans who are eligible for these programs are not enrolled.
Finding these programs can be hard; understanding them can be even harder. A new, free resource guide, “Insure Your Health: A State-by-State Guide to Finding Free or Low-Cost Health Insurance Programs,” makes it easier to find out about these programs. The guide, created by Aetna in partnership with Magic Johnson Enterprises, helps people take the first step toward securing health insurance coverage for themselves or their families. It explains health insurance basics, defines key terms and includes contact information for publicly available health insurance programs.
The guide can be ordered for free at, or by calling (877) GUIDE-14. It is also available to view and print at the Web site.
“If you or your family qualify for coverage, you really owe it to yourself to find out about the available programs,” says Earvin “Magic” Johnson, chairman and CEO of Magic Johnson Enterprises.
An easy-to-use resource like Insure Your Health is crucial. According to the survey of 1,133 uninsured adults by Plan for Your Health, the public education program from Aetna and the Financial Planning Association (FPA):
* Over one-third of respondents feel that their lack of health insurance has worsened their health. And the majority of people surveyed report being unaware or only slightly aware of their state’s programs that help the uninsured.

* Almost half of uninsured adults have recently experienced a time that they needed to see a doctor, but their lack of insurance prevented them from doing so. Nearly a quarter report that they only receive emergency medical treatment.
The lack of health insurance not only affects uninsured Americans, but impacts their families and communities, as well. Connecting individuals with available programs can make an enormous difference in the health and quality of life of many people.

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