Saturday, 11 August 2012

Cons of Pet Insurance

Pros and Cons of Pet Insurance

There are pros and cons to having insurance for your pet.  When considering pet insurance,  you really need to do some research and compare plans and prices.  You need to check what the insurance covers, the deductible and co-pays for vet visits.  It can become pretty expensive so you need to make sure you are getting your money’s worth for your pet.
If you go with a basic plan they usually cover accidents such as foreign body ingestion, toxicities, lacerations and more.  Other plans that you pay more monthly for cover accidents, illnesses and hereditary problems but not all companies are the same.  Some insurance plans cover only certain dog breeds, annual check-ups and immunizations but others don’t.  This is why you have to find the perfect plan that targets your pets needs.  It’s a good idea to find an insurance company that doesn’t limit you to a specific network of providers, this way you can go where you please and don’t have to worry about transferring insurance companies or veterinarians.
Just like searching for the best insurance for yourself you want to find a plan that has small deductibles and co-pay costs for your dogs or cats.  Maybe you feel that your pet is very healthy and is caught up on everything so you don’t need to pay for pet insurance, not everyone feels the same.  It’s up to you as the pet owner to find what is best for your pet but I suggest everyone doing preventative care for their animals which will save you a lot of money in the long run and keep your pet healthy.

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