Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Best Type of Dental Insurance

What is the best type of dental insurance plan: HMO, PPO or indemnity?

If you are wondering what type of dental insurance, HMO, PPO or indemnity is right for you, the answer will vary person to person. It will depend on how much you can afford to pay in premiums and what type of service you want.
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As you can imagine, each of these different types of insurance offers their own coverage levels as well as offering different levels of flexibility, which may be important to you.
Best Type Dental Insurance Plan HMO PPO IndemnityYou will find that HMO, PPO and indemnity plans are very similar to their health insurance counterparts, with some minor differences. Reading through this article will help you get an idea of what each type of insurance has to offer.

Dental HMO Insurance Plans

A Dental HMO dental plan or a DHMO is the most affordable option for dental insurance. Every dentist within the network agrees to only charge the insurance company a certain amount of money for each type of service provided. Because of this, HMO providers require that the insured persons remain within the network in order to receive care. If you receive care from outside the network, then you will have to pay for your care out of pocket. There is no flexibility when using this option.
If you need to see a specialist, then you are going to have to receive a referral from your dentist. What’s more, the referral has to be to a dentist within your network or you won’t be covered for you care. Even if there are no dentists in your area that provide the additional work you need, if the dentist is out of network, you will be unable to get your care covered.
A DHMO typically has a co-pay that you will have to pay each time you visit your dentist. This copay will usually be $20 or $30; however, you can choose some plans that have a $50 or $75 copay. These plans have even lower premiums than a traditional HMO, so it simply depends on how much you can afford to pay out of pocket for each visit.
DHMOs often receive criticism because many DHMO insurance providers require the dentist to see a specified amount of DHMO patients each day in order to remain under their plan. Some argue that this means that a dentist cannot spend the appropriate amount of time needed to give a patient quality care.
Another criticism is that DHMO providers only pay a certain dollar amount for each type of service. For example, a DHMO may only pay $100 for an exam where the average cost in the dental industry is $200. The suggestion is that a dentist will use lower quality and faster methods when treating a DHMO patient because of these costs. Your best bet, if choosing a DHMO, is to do a thorough background check on the dentists in your area to see who has the best reputation regardless of who their patients are.
A major benefit to choosing a DHMO is that most well care visits are free to the insured person. Usually this means that your bi-annual cleanings are covered under your plan with no out of pocket expenses, which means that you don’t have to pay a co-pay for a well visit.

Dental PPO Insurance Plans

Dental PPO plans or DPPO is sort of a hybrid of a DHMO and an indemnity dental plan. That is because a PPO still has a network of dentists that you can choose from but it will still pay for some of your costs if you visit a dentist outside of the network.
If you do choose to go out of the DPPO network, your out of pocket costs will be higher. This is because within the network, much like a DHMO, the insurance company has negotiated with the dentist to keep costs for each type of care under a certain dollar amount. If the dentist you see out of the network stays within that agreed upon amount, then you will not have an increased out of pocket expense. Generally, however, the costs outside of the network will be higher.
DPPO providers do not require dentists to see a specified amount of patients each day so there is no concern about whether or not they will rush through an appointment. They do, however, pay no more than the agreed upon amount, which brings up some of the same concerns that a DHMO has. However, DPPO plans typically provide a higher allowance for services than a DHMO.
Of course, this higher allowance for services and the flexibility you get when you choose your own doctor comes with a price tag. Although a DPPO will be less expensive than an indemnity plan, it will be more expensive than a DHMO. In addition, many DPPO service providers require you to pay for your care out of pocket and then submit a form for reimbursement.
It will be in your best interest to find a dentist that will allow you to submit a claim for a direct pay to the dentist so that you don’t have to pay out of pocket at the time of your visit. If you have a good insurance company then it is possible to get a dentist to agree to this, especially if the dentist is well established and can afford to wait on a claim to get paid.
Much like a DHMO, you will find that your cleanings are usually 100% covered and most of the time you won’t have any out of pocket costs at the time of your visit.

Dental Indemnity Plans

Dental indemnity plans offer you the most flexibility in terms of your care. Naturally, you pay for this flexibility with higher annual premiums than other types of insurance plans. If you want the freedom to:
  • Trade dentists whenever you want
  • Visit a specialist, such as a periodontist, without a referral
then an indemnity plan is for you.
Dental indemnity plans pay a certain percentage of your care, typically 80% for standard care and 50% for high-end care, such as crowns. Sometimes they offer three different levels of care coverage, such as:
  • 80% of cleaning, x-rays, and fillings
  • 70% of root canals, gum therapy
  • 50% of crowns, braces, etc…
Of course, you have to review your own policy to see what your dental insurance offers.
Click on the free insurance rates tool an enter your zip code to compare policies now!
When you choose an indemnity plan, you will receive a Table of Allowance, which will detail each of the most common treatment types and just how much they are willing to pay for each type of treatment. Most insurance companies also offer a usual, customary and reasonable fee addendum to your policy so that you understand that if the cost of care exceeds their Table of Allowance breakdown, then you will pay for the difference out of pocket.
For example, if the insurance company deems that a reasonable fee for a filling is $150 and your dentist charges the insurance company $175, then you will have to pay an additional $25 out of pocket. Before you purchase an insurance plan, you can review their reasonable fee schedule to determine if they are offering enough for the dental coverage you think you will need.
As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when deciding between these three options. If money is a major factor, then a DHMO or DPPO may be your best choice. Once you have decided which option is best for you, then it’s time to use our free quote tool to find the best premiums.

Dental insurance on implants

Dental insurance on implants

There are instances in a person life when they can loose their teeth. A permanent tooth can be lost due to a person being involved in an accident. When this happen one can easily have a replacement although a lot of time passes when the tooth is lost and trying to get to the dentist. At this time when a lot of time has passed this replacement will be stated as a dental implant surgery.  A dental implant is the artificial rooting of the tooth that is replaced in a person’s mouth and attaches to a replacement tooth. They are rooted onto the gums and even the person who has been implanted the tooth can not notice. Purchasing a dental insurance for implants will secure a great replacement for dentures.
Dental insurance for implant
As policy holder if you have any dental implants make sure that the dental insurance policy covers all the cost that is incurred during the surgery. Dental insurance for implants are normally very expensive and they don’t came with the dental insurance package.  Dental implant surgery for self payers can prove to be very expensive especially if one has a limited budget.
Dental insurance for implantBefore one can sign up for the implant surgery one should note that they are some insurance companies that don't  pay for the implant although the main problem comes in the waiting periods for the cover to mature. There are insurance companies that want their policy holders to pay their premiums for at least one year however this period of maturity will vary when it comes to different insurance companies. As a policy holder before you wish to take this service one should consult with their insurance company. You should note that there are insurance companies that will not be reliable for the expenses that are incurred when a person has pre-existing conditions of the tooth so if you loose your tooth before signing up the dental insurance on implants will not take effect.
If one wants this package they must first know the insurance company that will cover such kinds of dental problems. This is because dental implants are a rare dental application which would not be advantageous income wise when it comes to the side of the insurance company. On the other hand one may find a dental insurance on implants but at very expensive rates. One must get a plan that they can easily afford.
Individuals can browse the internet to find the type of plan on dental implant that they want. One can personally visit the insurance companies that they had browsed on the internet to inquire further on the cost of different cover plans. A dental insurance for implants is not an ordinary matter for any insurance company hence the extra charges that are narrowed down to the policy holder. Dental implants costs can be reduced in future when the type of plan is only for the dental implant. One should also enquire on the basic procedures of the implant and the dental services needed during the implant.

Coverage Dental Insurance

Full Coverage Dental Insurance

In today’s struggling economy, it can be difficult to afford adequate dental care. With a plethora of foods readily available that are damaging to teeth, now more than ever is regular upkeep of your teeth necessary. Therefore, possessing full coverage dental insurance is a must.

Encourage Preventative Measures

full dental coverage insuranceAn ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and full dental coverage insurance plans strongly encourage these measures to be taken. Hundreds of dollars can be saved when a dentist is able to detect potential problem areas before they get out of control.
Furthermore, full coverage dental insurance will often cover education. Dentists can provide their patients valuable knowledge regarding proper hygiene to help reduce the possibility of cavities.

Avoid Gum Disease

Gum disease is the primary cause of tooth loss. Thousands are plagued with maladies such as gingivitis, and these problems are cause pain and discomfort. By recognizing symptoms indicative of gum disease, dentists are often able to reverse the problem before it exacerbates.

Increase Overall Health

Few realize that poor dental health can cause heart disease and even stroke. There are even certain infections that can spread throughout the body and result in the death of the affected individual.
Such plans recognize these possibilities, and they make it possible for their customers to be able to procure the regular maintenance they require to keep their oral health in prime condition.

In Case the Unexpected Happens

Emergencies can happen to anyone, and it is impossible to be prepared for these types of occurrences. Severe toothaches can become debilitating, and those who suffer often have to lose money when they must miss work. Furthermore, in the event that a tooth is knocked out, the sufferer faces the embarrassment of a toothless grin if they are financially unable to seek services.

Motivation to Quit Smoking

Smoking is known to slowly cause staining to the teeth. Unfortunately, it happens so gradually that smokers often overlook the problem. Those who have a full dental coverage insurance plan are more likely to be made aware of this discoloration through regular appointments. This in itself can be motivation to drop the habit.
Insuring your teeth is a necessity. For more information, the American Dental Association offers a wealth of knowledge at Here, those considering full coverage dental insurance plans can find all of the information they need to make a wise decision.

Dental Insurance

Family Dental Insurance

Family Dental Insurance  ImageMedical treatment – both health and dental – is extremely expensive and the best possible option in the given scenario is to buy both health and dental insurance. Compare the two and you will find that dental insurance is more affordable and cheaper than health insurance.
This is because dental insurance is designed to provide preventive care and this, by and large, eliminates chances of major problems. Unlike health insurance, whereby plans need to cover expensive tests, multiple treatments, and dangerous diseases, dental insurance covers diseases that are preventive by nature and even if treatment becomes essential, the diagnostic tests require little more than x-rays, and a thorough examination by the dentist.
Family dental insurance also makes economic sense. People will find that in any family, there will be members who have required dental treatment at some time or the other. It can be children who require their cavities to be filled or the older generation requiring root canal treatment. If nothing else, regular visits to the dentist are an answer to keeping teeth in good condition, be it cases of bleeding gums or teeth requiring topical fluoride treatment. Routine check-ups can prove to be affordable, if covered by dental plans. Otherwise, a visit to a dentist, apart from being a painful experience, can also end up digging a deep hole in the pocket.
People can afford dental insurance at reduced rates if they choose to buy PPO plans, or preferred provider organization plans. The only thing they have to sacrifice here is the freedom of choice. This means that as for as the freedom of choosing a dentist is concerned, they will have to choose a dentist who is listed in the plan’s network. People should weigh the benefits offered carefully and, given the affordable nature of the plan, they may consider this price too little a sacrifice as compared to the advantages.

Ins and Outs of the dental

Ins and Outs of the dental cover maze - can anyone apply?

dentalinspicThis kind of cover should be at the forefront of your mind if you fall into any of the following categories:
Families: It is perfect for the little ones and your teenagers especially because teeth go through life-altering phases of growth during the early years of a child's life. Therefore, it is absolutely critical for young people in your family because it can save alot of money on expensive dental treatment. It also takes away extra stress for you because you know that with a secure dental policy, you do not need to scramble around for money. The rising cost of dental care means more families are leaning towards dental cover to protect them from big outgoings. Most families on a budget cannot afford large payouts for treating teeth and gums at the dentist, which is why they choose insurance plans to help them take care of their children's teeth.
Professionals: When you are starting a new job, which is exciting and refreshing, it also means that you might be considering a dental plan. A steady cheque every month means all you have to do is put a few pounds away each month to cover your insurance. Graduates are great candidates for dental cover because there are various types of dental plans to suit everyone, some of which want to encourage young adults to think about insurance so they can still have healthy looking teeth without paying the large amounts usually required without insurance.
Couples: If you are recently married, it is probably not in the forefront of your mind. However, starting a new life together means that you need to take a fresh approach to your health. Teeth are important in your physical wellbeing because they effect how you live your life as a single person and as a couple. Taking out a joint insurance plan will mean you are both protected when it comes to your teeth, and avoid any potential money worries as you have planned ahead.

The process of getting dental cover is simple

All you have to do is choose a policy with us, and we sort all the paperwork andhealthy teeth details for you. Insuring your teeth might seem like an idea for the modern world, but where would we truly be without our teeth? How we use our teeth guarantees whether we are comfortable when we are eating, drinking and it affects our physical appearance. We also support the work of the BDA (British Dental Association) as they strive to improve the quality of dental work whether private or public.
Models/Entertainers/Performers: Have you ever wondered why many celebrities seem to have such perfect teeth? Excellent dental care could be the reason. If you are an aspiring model or entertainer, you could consider dental cover because it adds to give you a polished image. Teeth are the first things that many people see especially in image-based industries. A good dental policy will ensure that you don't have any unexpected costs when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy. If you are planning to enter public life as a politician or a local government official, a policy means that you can get any treatments done to your teeth so your constituents see a polished version of you. Image is everything in politics and celebrity – it could help smooth out your image exactly the way you want.

Hassle-free dental plans for your own personal needs

One of the many positive aspects of dental cover is that it gives families piece of mind.
Stressing out about the cost of going to the dentist, or keeping your teeth healthy, will make it difficult to go to work, interact with family and friends and even the hobbies you love.
When you get dental cover, all these stresses are wiped away because you know that you are protected by your insurance policy.
It does not matter what stage you are in life from starting university to entering your 30s, dental cover should be a key part of your health, most importantly, it can save alot of money in the long run.
The diversity available can include anything from check-ups to complex dental procedures such as root canals. Look after you and your families teeth forever.


Dental Plan?

What Makes A Good Dental Plan?

For the average individual, a good dental plan that won’t break the bank can be hard to come by. The unfortunate fact is that specialized services such as dental care don’t come cheap, and most of us have little choice but to save up for the proverbial rainy day. But that’s not to say it’s not worth looking—in fact, if you know where to look and have the patience for it, you can probably find a dental plan that fits both your needs and budget.
The first thing you want to look for is value; that is, how much the plan is worth. Many dental plans will cover you up to a given limit. For example, if your coverage is worth $1000 per year, that means you can get up to $1000 worth of treatments until you renew. Most insurers will also impose limits on what services they will pay for, such as tooth extractions, fillings, and routine cleaning. Each of these may have its own dollar limit. Your choice should depend on the treatment you expect to need within the coverage period. If you have a fairly good dental record, you may want to get more coverage for checkups and accidents than treatments for preexisting conditions. Likewise, if you’re prone to infections or have had several treatments in the past, treatments should be a bigger priority.
Another important consideration is the dentist network. Most insurance companies allow you to choose from a list of dentists; choosing from outside this network can mean more out-of-pocket money or even no coverage at all. Look at a potential insurer’s network and check out the practitioners that are most accessible. It’s not so much about the number of options as it is about each dentist’s ability. You’ll want at least a couple of dentists you can easily reach and who have a good track record.
Finally, you should take the insurer’s service itself into account. How easy are they to get in touch with? Do they respond to claims in a reasonable time? Are their provisions clear? It’s practically a given that being insured means more paperwork every time you need medical care. This is true with both small and big companies, so reputation and size aren’t the only things to look at. But many companies do make an effort to provide good service and it’s usually worth paying a little extra to make sure you get treated and reimbursed right away.


Treatments and Tips

Treatments and Tips for Bad Breath

Most of the people suffer from bad breath, which is also called Halitosis. If you are one of them you must be, at one time of another, embarrassed or felt the importance of finding a way to get rid of it. People need to know that the oral health is as important as any other health issue in the life.
1: One of the major causes of the bad breath is not brushing your teeth properly, specially before going to the bed. You need to clean your tongue too.
2: If you get dry mouth for some medication, it sure is going to cause stink. Chewing gum can help a lot here. But the sugar affects the gums and teeth so the use of sugarless chewing gum is recommended in this case because they stimulate saliva. One important ti

p in this regard you may notice is that mint chewing gum does not stimulate the saliva it just covers for the bad breath for the time being.
3: Drinking lots of water decreases the fear of many diseases including bad breath because it helps you keep the mouth bacteria-free.
4: Bad breath can be a symptom to gums, teeth or sometime stomach problems. So if you have a bad breath you better consult the doctor in the first place. It can further signal some kidney and liver diseases too.
5: If you have cavities those you have not yet gotten filled, they are also going to cause bad breath.


Health Insurance Deploys

Important focus of the business plan of health insurance, expanding the supply of services has a major objective: to simplify the process of policyholders, health professionals and employers / companies.

Health Insurance: Services to the insured

Health InsuranceThe physical hosting In 2008, nearly 45 million visits were recorded in the Health Insurance fund. In France, the National Health Insurance has more than 2800 points home with a proximity service to its policyholders.
The reception open access
In recent years, hosting open access, was developed in 2008, more than 17 million people have used an ATM to make a simple approach as an edition of a certificate of entitlement or form, theupdate the Carte Vitale, consultation repayments … More than 1,300 ATMs are available as well.

A single number: the 36 46 *
Since July 1, 2008, 36 * 46 is the single phone number to contact her health insurance office. In 2008, more than 27 million telephone calls were handled by call center on 2500 57 service platforms.

Health Insurance: On-line Services

Health InsuranceAbout 2.3 million e-mails are received and processed each year by the Health Insurance Advisors.
Nearly 3.5 million policyholders have opened their account on This personal account provides access to the following online services: consulting, real-time repayments or payment of per diem, monthly repayments, counting medical deductibles and participations flat, sending an e-mail alert reimbursement for any new, online ordering of the European health insurance card or a certificate of entitlement, exchange mail with the Health Insurance Fund …

The new online service Ameli-direct is to inform policyholders of the health care system and allows in particular to search and easily find addresses and prices of health professionals and care facilities.
Health Insurance: Services to Health Professionals
Nearly 220 000 professionals (doctors, paramedics …) now have a personalized account of Among the amenities: ordering forms, payment tracking by third-party payer, guards and penalties, the statement of fees and activity, verification of patients’ rights and an exchange service by mail the Health Insurance Fund …
The Portal Pro area proposed for doctors is progressively enriched of new services: payment history, treatment protocol online …
Health InsuranceServices to employers / businesses
Employers / businesses also have a bunch of online services on the net-enterprises.
The account AT / MP to view the online premium rates notified AT-MP and details of their calculation, and take stock in real time on claims recently recognized impacting future rates.
Note that this service replaces the former employer account, available for some time to companies that were listed.
The accident report for work.

Why Health Insurance

There can be many different measures one can take to manage the medical expenditures without much ado; one of them is health insurance. If you want to follow the strict definition of health insurance it would mean the compensation of the monetary loss you might face in case of any illness or accidental injury. If someone has the health insurance done they get the medicine bills and miscellaneous health expenditures, the doctor’s fee and stays at the hospitals covered by the insurance company. How are these expenditures covered you may read in the section that deals with the methodology of the insurance companies.

Why Health Insurance

People often do not find it comfortable to pay the regular health insurance monthly or premium payments since not everyone falls ill very frequently. But you have to remember that these small payments can, and as the fact of the matter will, help you with the heavy medical bills and other medical expenses when you would need them. If you are uninsured you are going to have a lot of pressure to bear in terms of hospital expenditures whereas the health insurance can help you a lot in these terms. Another factor that might seem attractive is the relief from the medical bills, those mount sometimes to the unbearable heights.

Health Insurance Benefits

There are many benefits of having health insurance done. One of the main benefits is the sharing of the medical bills and expenditures on different health facilities. Though you do not fall sick every now and then; so often to spend so much on your health every month so you tend to feel that you do not benefit from your health insurance at all but you never know when you start egtting some symptoms and it would unexpectedly have to go through some treatment that happens to be pretty expensive and you cannot afford it with your current salary. In such a condition the importance of health insurance can be felt really well.

Health Insurance Coverage

When you decide to go for health insurance you better check with the health insurance provider, the facilities they will provide in case of need. There are many health insurance companies in the market and they do not offer similar facilities. Some of the companies cover only accidental injuries whereas many others cover some specific health issues thus treatment for only these diseases is facilitated alone. These insurance companies usually seem attractive since charge lesser. There are many health insurers in the market those may sound expensive but they would offer services in so many or may be every treatment possible.

Health Insurance Minimum Cost

In many countries all over the world the most important factor with regard to the affordability for the consumers has been the cost of the health insurance. On March 23, 2010 the US government passed and signed an act by the title of Patient protection and affordable care. Mainly the cost of the health insurance depends upon the age, health condition, the area patient lives in, income or salary, the sort of treatment you are undergoing and the job status. If you have a job-related insurance, the premiums of the health insurance are paid by the employer. The average premium for an individual is 2,985 dollars per year.

Online Health Insurance

Getting health insurance done is not a big issue anymore with almost most of the companies dealing with the consumers online too. You will not need to take time out of your busy schedule and visit an insurance company. There is another advantage of health insurance services being available online that you can easily get quotes from different companies and compare them without much ado and find the best company for yourself that would benefit you in long run. These companies have quotes and there different health plans on their websites too so you can study the plans at home easily.

Sunday, 9 September 2012



Health insurance claim? I do have a cashless health insurance? yes, it’s true if you have a cashless health insurance when hospitalized partner (provider) you certainly do not need to file a claim at all, because you just show the card and go to bed and cared for “the free” because the entire cost of your care will be billed directly to your insurance company, so it is very helpful and “not bother” you.
But imagine, if you had to be hospitalized is not a partner or were you treated abroad course you must pay the entire cost of care prior to then in a claim with your insurance company is not it? nah to process your claim can be processed quickly and you should not make “back and forth” to the affairs of the claim, especially if you seek treatment abroad and claim there are still incomplete paperwork, how much money should you spend? and wasted time?
Tips to make a claim you make health insurance is intended to help you save money and time, so your claim can be processed smoothly, let us consider the following simple tips:
A. Proof of Payment (Receipt)
Especially for treatment abroad, there are some hospitals that do not issue receipts (official receipt) as proof of payment, but the hospital will reprint the “Tax Invoice” (in the form of details of the bill) to include payment details (date, method of payment) and at the bottom lists the amount due (balance / the rest of the bill) is equal to zero (= 0). Mount Elizabeth and Gleneagles Hospital Singapore is an example of applying the procedure.
One of the health insurance claim filing requirements as stated in the policy book is proof of payment (invoice / receipt) and if the hospital did not issue a receipt to print it again as a replacement Tax Invoice receipt, the customer must submit the original Tax Invoice sheet (not a duplicate / Certified True copy) that includes the amount due is equal to 0 when filing health insurance claims. But if the hospital issued a receipt (receipt / official receipt) as proof of payment other than a Tax Invoice then the claim should still be equipped with receipt.
2. Charging Doctor Certificate
Insurance claims for those who get treatment overseas, doctors certificate form must be filled in completely and correctly by your treating physician, using two (2) choice of languages, namely English or Indonesian.
If the doctor or hospital fill out a form with no use of either of the two languages, then you must include a translation made by a certified translator. Translation must be made on institutional letterhead and sent an official translator of the original at the time of filing health insurance claims.
Besides all the details of the bill, the type of inspection / action, drugs, etc. must be submitted to your insurance company when filing a claim. All the details are not written in Indonesian or English must be translated as described above.
Health insurance claim was very simple right? there are only two items that need to be completed during the time of filing the claim, namely: receipts and medical certificate. Well, I hope this tips help you and be able to shed some light on health insurance claims.

Buy Health Insurance

How To Buy Health Insurance

1. What Can You Afford – Determine what you are spending on health coverage now. If you have recently left a group plan with an employer, ask your HR department what the cost of coverage would be through COBRA. Typically, COBRA is the full policy premium plus 1.5% for administration costs. For most individuals, continuing a policy with COBRA would increase the amount of money they spend on health care by as much as 80%. This option would make sense if you have a pre-existing condition or if you are pregnant or may become pregnant within the next year. Once you determine what you are currently spending you have a baseline to compare with other options.
2. See What’s Out There – Insurance companies are “for profit” companies. So their main focus is to increase revenue. Since the profit margin on insurance products is relatively low compared to other industries (as low as 2%), insurance carriers are always trying to add to their membership rolls. They are always adding new products and trying to gain market share. It’s important for consumers to be informed about what products are available and how those different products can work to their advantage. There are thousands of options available so it makes sense to consult with an insurance agent or broker that specializes in health products. Surprisingly, very few insurance agents focus on health policies. Most captive agents focus, instead, on life insurance. This is due to the fact that commissions on life policies are 10 to 20 times higher than they are for health policies.
3. Compare Rates – Just like in any other competitive industry, insurance prices vary widely from company to company. Some carriers have a stronger presence in some states and almost none in others. They also tend to form different “niches” in the marketplace. For instance; some carriers have great rates for an HMO policy but their rates for a PPO are not competitive. Also, some carriers focus on temporary policies lasting only a few months. It is important for a consumer to understand what “niche” they fall into. That way, they can find the carrier that specializes in that “niche” and look closely at the products they offer.
4. Compare Networks – Doctors and hospitals contract with insurance carriers to negotiate fees for service. Each carrier has their own group of doctors and hospitals. These groups are called “networks”. Some carrier networks are larger than others. Some networks are more diverse than others, offering more doctors in more areas of medicine than others. It is important for individual consumers, when they have decided on a policy, to check the carrier networks to make sure that the doctors they see on a regular basis are contracted with that carrier before they apply for a policy.
5. Get Good Advice – The single best thing a consumer can do to choose the right policy is to consult with a licensed agent. Most consumers don’t spend their free time keeping up with industry trends and attending continuing education classes and conferences. Insurance agents do. They are checking rates on a daily basis and have the “pulse” of the industry. A good agent will ask a multitude of questions. Most questions will be personal; including height, weight, family health history and current and past health issues. It’s important to be honest and through. This will help the agent show you the best options and could end up saving you money on your policy. Stay away from large online agencies that handle all 50 states. They tend to treat their customers like a number and not a client.
6. Get a quote – Use an online health insurance broker site to obtain a policy. These sites can be a great resource for purchasing insurance. You can submit some personal information and obtain a free quote in a matter of seconds. You are under no obligation to purchase a policy, however if you are looking to get into a policy quickly without talking to anyone, this is a great way to do it. You can shop your own features and deductibles. You can even sort by monthly premium amount. There are no hidden charges and agents who have this type of website are linked directly to the insurance company websites. That way, you are able to have a licensed agent assigned to you without them contacting you.

Health Insurance.

Tonight, I had to pick up my monthly prescriptions. I have three prescriptions right now: my insulin, my glucose monitoring test strips, and Metformin (which is used to combat insulin resistance). Because it’s my first prescription refill of the year, it’s also time for my yearly deductible. This time? A whopping $255. Yikes. Quite a hit to the wallet. At first I balked at the amount, thinking something was up with my insurance, but then I realized, no, it’s the first week of the year.
Then I was just angry. I despise spending so much money for this God-forsaken illness that I certainly don’t want and had nothing to do with (::pointed look at Ricki Lake and GMA::). This isn’t meant to get into a health insurance reform debate, more of a comment on the fact that there is no cure and I have to spend so much of my hard-earned money forever. It’s not like this is a one-time thing like a flu or a cold or a broken arm. But forever.
Then I thought about how much more this would cost me if I didn’t have health insurance. That $255 is actually a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money it actually costs to keep me alive. But I have health insurance. There are a lot of people who don’t. My friends. Family members. I am lucky. I was one step away from not having health insurance when I lost my job last summer. I know what it means to have your life, not just an easier, more comfortable life, but your actual existence depend on health insurance, because without it, you’re not sure how it would be possible to stay alive and then have money left over for, you know, food. Life-sustaining medication or food? Tough choice. It’s really scary to think someone could take that away from you for no good reason other than they don’t need you anymore. It’s a very vulnerable position to be in.
I have health insurance. It costs a lot of money. I don’t know how long I’ll have it for. And it isn’t anywhere close to being perfect. But it helps me afford the medication I need. That’s something to be thankful for.